Paragard for Cats 5kg PURPLE - 4 Pack

Regular price $21.00

Paragard Broad Spectrum Wormer – Cat 5kg (4 pack)


For the control of all common gastrointestinal worms in cats – roundworm (Toxocara spp, Toxascaris leonina), hookworm (Ancylostoma spp, Unicinaria stenocephala), and tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp)

Active Ingredients Praziquantel 25mg, Oxibendazole 112.5mg

# Palatable liver flavour

# Can be given directly as a treat or crushed and put in food

# Tablets scored for halving doses

Safety Information

# Do not use in kittens under 2 weeks of age

# Studies on the use of this product with pregnant queens has not been done – use of this product with pregnant queens should be carefully considered

# Should not be used in animals allergic to the ingredients

# Product does not prevent heartworm