Quattro Edible Tasty Bone for Large Dogs - Chicken Tikka

Regular price $36.95


Like all of the nylon chews, the TastyBone Quattro product has been tested on the most vigorous of chewers. Made from 100% virgin nylon, it is guaranteed to last.

Uniquely infused with irresistible flavours right through to the core, your dog will never get bored, as the flavour will last for the lifetime of the bone.

With every bite your dogs' gums and teeth become stronger and healthier, protecting against infections, tooth loss and vets fees.

# Proudly made in the UK

# Flavouring is impregnated into the bone

# Free of animal content, salt, sugar, additives and preservatives

# Food grade colouring used is completely harmless

Chicken Tikka Flavour

16cm x 16cm x 10cm

Suitable for MEDIUM TO LARGE dogs


SAFETY ADVICE Do not throw the edible bone for your dog to catch, the impact could injure their teeth. Replace the edible bone when it is small enough for your dog to swallow whole. As with all chew toys, supervision is recommended.

Although the food grade colouring used in the edible bone is completely harmless to your dog, the colour can run. If this happens, only use cold water to clean up – do not use household cleaners


Starch based biopolymer, food grade colouring, synthetic flavouring

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